Practice Point


Losing Touch: The Rising Cost of Social Distancing 

Losing Touch: The Rising Cost of Social Distancing   by W. Jesse Gill, Psy.D. March 12th, 2020, I met with a good friend at our local Starbucks (back when you could still sit down to drink your coffee at Starbucks). As I leaned forward to hug my friend, I saw the look of fear in […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

The Case for Faith: Celebrating Hope in Mental Health Care

Eric Scalise, Ph.D. & Tim Clinton, Ed.D.   Spirituality is mysterious, but real. It has offered countless millions a place of refuge, solace, comfort, hope and a deeper sense of purpose and meaning—especially in times of tragedy or crisis where grief and despair crouch at the doorstep of the soul seeking to rob a person […]

By AACC, 7 years ago