Weekly Devotionals


Remembering Dr. Doug Rosenau 

Dr. Doug Rosenau, a pioneering Christian expert, and leader in healthy sexuality, went home to be with the Lord early Sunday morning, April 10, 2022.    A man of deep faith, long-time AACC friend, and presenter, Doug cared deeply about God’s Word. He profoundly influenced helping counselors to develop a biblical view on sexuality and […]

By AACC, 2 years ago

Remembering Dr. Gary R. Collins

Dr. Gary R. Collins (1934-2021) With heavy hearts, we share the news that pioneering Christian counselor, coach educator, author and former President of the American Association of Christian Counselors, Dr. Gary Collins, passed away this morning, December 13th, 2021. “Filled with contagious energy, Gary loved the Lord, his family, investing in young leaders and influencing […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Why Diets Don’t Work: Satisfying Your Food Cravings the Healthy Way

by Rhona Epstein, Psy.D. It’s not entirely true that diets don’t work. Plenty of people lose weight on diets. They can list all the times they followed some type of weight loss plan—low carb, low fat, Keto, Medifast®, weight loss surgery, intermittent fasting, fruit only—and lost 10, 20, and even 50 pounds. Although some people […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Don’t Blow Up Your Ministry: Defuse the Underlying Issues That Take Pastors Down

by Michael MacKenzie, D.Min. I answered the phone at our office. It was a pastor calling. He got right to the point. “If you don’t help me, I might not be here a year from now.” He was talking about suicide. Pastors are hurting right now. Yes, everyone is hurting but some are carrying more […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Counseling Military Families: Key Factors in Effective Care

by Suzanne Mikkelson, Ph.D. “What a day!… First I forgot my ID and couldn’t pay off my StarCard at the PX, after that, I couldn’t sign the children up for soccer at CYS because I forgot my husband’s LES (and still didn’t have my ID). I finally made it to my FRG meeting and found […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Working with High Conflict Couples: Assessing for Abusive Elements

by Leslie Vernick, MSW Working with high conflict couples presents unique challenges that frustrate and confuse even experienced counselors. We can work for months, even years, without seeing improvement. And, we can miss some crucial diagnostic components if we are not mindful of what to look for.              High conflict couples experience frequent fighting that […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Understanding and Interrupting Generational Trauma Transmission

by Phillip Monroe, Psy.D. Take a minute and reflect:What blessings do you see that have cometo you through the life and experiences of the previous generation of your family? Education? Faith? Economic stability? Work ethic? What pains and suffering did you inherit from those before you? Addiction? Violence? Discrimination? Poverty? Inadequate education? Notice that you […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Remembering Dr. Archibald Hart

The Memorial Service for Dr. Archibald D. Hart  July 21, 2021  Today, we remember and celebrate a beloved colleague and friend, outstanding educator, administrator, author, and former board member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, Dr. Archibald Hart.  To know him was to love him. His passion and communication skills, wrapped in one of […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Remembering the Life and Legacy of Dr. Archibald Hart

With heavy hearts, we share the news that a colleague, friend, outstanding educator, administrator, author, member, and former board member of the American Association of Christian Counselors, Dr. Archibald Hart, passed away on July 18th, 2021. Dr. Hart was a pioneer in the field and Christian counseling and psychology. With permission, we share a letter […]

By AACC, 3 years ago

Creating a Culture of On-Site Self-Care Strategies

by Alexia Georghiou Burnout was recently defined as an epidemic and diagnosable condition by the World Health Organization. With the COVID19 pandemic, it is time to begin developing onsite self-care strategies. Whether we are in the office, or joining virtually, there are stressors leading to the burnout that so many have recently experienced.  As helping […]

By AACC, 3 years ago