Weekly Devotionals


Moving From Stress to Gratitude in the Covid-19 Era by Meditating on the Psalms

Moving From Stress to Gratitude in the Covid-19 Era by Meditating on the Psalms by Joshua Knabb, PSY.D., ABPP For the last several months, much of the world has been living in a season of uncertainty, filled with stress, anxiety, isolation, ambiguity, and unpredictability. In fact, there seems to be no real indication that the instability […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Leading Others Through Seasons of Fear

Leading Others Through Seasons of Fear by W. Jesse Gill, Psy.D Leading Others Through Seasons of Fear God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  II Tim 1:7 (NKJV) A. Fear Basics What is fear? A survival response called the Fight or ______ Response. […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

The Loneliness Epidemic: Research, Influence and It’s Effect on Everyone

The Loneliness Epidemic: Research, Influence and It’s Effect on Everyone by Mark Mayfield, Ph.D. I could see their lips moving, but the words were muffled. I leaned in, trying harder to hear what they were saying, even though I knew exactly what was being said. It felt like I was in one of those out-of-body experiences […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Social Distancing, Isolation, and How to Stay Healthy 

Social Distancing, Isolation, and How to Stay Healthy  by Chris Cambas, M.A., LMFT We are in unprecedented times with the outbreak of COVID-19, which has made it incredibly difficult for many to be alone. Many of us are working from home and keeping ourselves isolated to avoid becoming infected or potentially spreading the virus. However, […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

The Answer to COVID Stress is not in the Fridge!

The Answer to COVID Stress is not in the Fridge! by Rhona Epstein, Psy.D., C.A.C. Social media sites are flooded these days with jokes about eating and weight gain during this difficult season.  Countless memes joke about joining AA or Weight Watchers at the end of quarantine, there are pictures of obese Barbie dolls labelled […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Why is There a Need for Post-Abortive Counseling?

Why is There a Need for Post-Abortive Counseling? by Save the Storks In recent years, one of the loudest pro-choice narratives has been that “women do not regret their abortions.” We see movements such as “shout your abortion” where women are encouraged to brag about their abortions and how they don’t feel remorse. Celebrities like Alyssa […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Living with the Tension of Uncertainty

Living with the Tension of Uncertainty by Georgia Shaffer, MA, PCC For years I heard Christians talk about living by faith. I did not really grasp how to do that in my daily life until I heard Richard Rohr, a Franciscan priest, talk about this issue. He suggested that many Christians do not live by faith […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Anxiety and COVID-19

Anxiety and COVID-19 by Gary J. Oliver, Th.M., Ph.D. Being anxious doesn’t mean that you’re weak or unspiritual.  It suggests that you are human.  In fact, if you haven’t experienced some anxiety in the past several weeks that probably isn’t as much a sign of emotional and spiritual health as it is a sign of […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Teletherapy in a COVID-19 World

Teletherapy in a COVID-19 World by Dr. Mark Mayfield I don’t know about you, but over these past four weeks, I’ve been stretched and challenged in ways that I never expected. When I was a clinical mental health master’s student at Denver Seminary, I remember a professor telling me to embrace the ambiguity, which seemed […]

By AACC, 4 years ago

Ambushed by Anxiety

Ambushed by Anxiety by Georgia Shaffer “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” ~ I Peter 5:7 ~ With all the craziness going on in the world right now, it’s understandable that our stress and anxiety levels are at an all-time high. Whether you’re still working everyday or your schedule has suddenly come […]

By AACC, 4 years ago