046 – Take Your Life Back: Core Steps on the Road to Recovery


Media Format: Audio Online Streaming

SKU: WC19-PC046SA Category:


Take Your Life Back will help each participant understand who or what owns them and how to be liberated from whatever is preventing them from living the life God intended. Whether it is abuse from the past and the lingering effects of the trauma, an addiction or an abusive and emotionally-destructive relationship, each participant will understand how to deal with each issue and help others do the same.

Presented by: Steve Arterburn, M.Ed. & David Stoop, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Identify the difference between reactive and responsive living
  2. Discover how to help a person regain ownership of his or her life
  3. Explore what a life taken back looks like and what the identifiable characteristics are