111 – The Genetic Factors that Influence the Mental and Emotional Problems Therapists Treat


Media Format: Audio Online Streaming

SKU: WC19-WK111SA Category:


Three things determine who we are and who we are becoming: GENES, ENVIRONMENT, and
CHOICES (both conscious and unconscious). Dr. Paul Meier, founder of the national chain of
non-profit Meier Clinics, will share the influence of genetics on mental disorders that therapists
frequently see in their outpatient offices. Workshop attendees will be able to give maximum
benefit to clients who may need both therapy and medications in order to function best or, in
some cases, to function at all. The majority of clients who come to see a therapist DO NOT need
medications. However, many could avoid suffering needless emotional pain (panic attacks,
suicidal depression, etc.) with the help of temporary medication that would also make therapy
more effective. Others have genetic factors or genetic mental illnesses that require permanent
medication in order to function adequately. Providing therapeutic help, while referring these
clients for medication treatment of their genetic disorders, is the only way these clients can
function best and get the most out of life. Although depression can be genetic or have genetic
predispositions, or even medical causes, the majority of depression has spiritual and emotional
(and often subconscious) roots and often involves anger-turned-inward. Bipolar spectrum
disorders, on the other hand, are genetic and can show up at any age, usually unrelated to
environmental factors, but often in a patient?۪s 20s or 30s. We will discuss how to diagnostically
differentiate each type of bipolar spectrum disorder and discuss medical and therapeutic
treatment options. We will also discuss the other common genetic mental disorders, such as
ADHD, OCD, the psychoses, and others.

Presented by: Paul Meier, M.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Identify and describe the key genetic factors, including personality traits and brain chemicals, linked to such disorders as OCD, paranoia, ADHD, mood disorders, psychoses, and other genetically-linked tendencies or disorders
  2. Identify and describe key environmental (including spiritual) influences, both positive and negative, with or without genetic factors (such as two types of non-genetic OCDs), and their contribution to mental illness or mental health
  3. Improve evaluation skills regarding whether someone with mental/emotional problems would be better off with therapy alone, therapy plus temporary medications (and which kinds are typically used by psychiatrists), or constant medications for permanent genetic disorders with therapy to deal with their condition