215 – Sexual Betrayal Recovery Themes


Media Format: Audio USB (MP3)

SKU: WC19-WK215A Category:


Sexual infidelity is an epidemic with over half the population acknowledging this behavior. With
evidence-based treatment hard to come by and the entire treatment field less than 30 years
old, counselors struggle finding efficient and effective interventions. However, treatment
pioneers have surfaced seven, clinical themes or practices that have proven helpful for couples
considering recovery. Organized treatment builds confidence, helps contain anger, lowers
couple anxiety, and provides measurable progress. An unexpected benefit of this treatment
structure has been the restoration of respect and trust between the spouses, even when the
marriage has not been restored.

Presented by: David Carder, M.A.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Be provided multiple tools to help couples minimize the chaos that often follows disclosure of sexual betrayal
  2. Learn how to efficiently collect and interpret the four histories that contribute to marital infidelity: biographical, family of origin, marital satisfaction, and marital style, and how to create environmental safety (at home and office) for couples as they work through the Recovery Core: Forgiveness, Restoration of Respect, and the Reestablishment of Trust
  3. Learn how to “walk” couples through five, distinct Reattachment Processes that will reawaken the dormant love necessary to restore marriage and convince them there is “enough left to save”