405 – Clinical Theology: Since Jesus is Real Smart, Shouldn’t All Christian Spirituality be Practical and Applied?


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK405C Category:


What is the point of having an engine without a transmission? At its best, the Divine energy of
theology becomes applied, practical, and clinical. This is what Jesus demonstrated. He was an
applied theologian. So were the fathers and mothers of ancient Christian spirituality; so were
the internal and external reformers of the Church; so was Dallas Willard. In this workshop, we
will begin by slowing down to ???experience?۝ the Nicene Creed. Then, we will examine how it is
that the ???Maker of all things, visible and invisible?۝ may know a thing or two about the person
and human pathways to thriving. After this introduction, we will explore how four of the critical
concerns of ancient Christian spirituality and Dallas Willard can be brought into the counseling
office. These four concerns are for the belief that: 1) Invisible things like the Trinity and the
Kingdom of God are as real as tables and chairs; 2) The spiritual disciplines are classic ways of
interacting with this reality; 3) As human beings, we are uniquely designed for this type of
interaction; and 4) If all of this is true, then this type of interaction should produce both real
and measurable change. These four themes and practices will be placed into a systematic plan
for working with clients in ways that are spiritually sensitive and at home with a
transformational approach to psychology and counseling.

Presented by: Gary Moon, Ph.D.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Study four, central themes in the teaching of Jesus, the fathers and mothers of ancient Christian spiritualty, and Dallas Willard, and consider how these core concerns can be extremely relevant to the experience of applying theology in clinical settings
  2. Identify how spiritual formation practices can be part of spiritual direction and a spiritually-sensitive form of counseling practice and transformational psychology
  3. Explore creative ways of embracing God’s presence in Christian counseling