406 – Recent Advances in Sex Therapy: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning


Media Format: Audio CD

SKU: WC19-WK406C Category:


Integrating clinical expertise with relevant research and patient-centered practice, this
workshop will focus on thorough and accurate assessment as the prerequisite to precise
diagnosis and treatment that guides couples from sexual dissatisfaction to sexual fulfillment.

Presented by: Cliff Penner, Ph.D. & Joyce Penner, M.N., R.N.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:

  1. Gain an understanding of recent research on the relationship between sex and the brain, sexual response discoveries, and medical perspectives on optimizing sexual functioning
  2. Be able to accurately assess couples’ current sexual patterns, contributing factors, and each spouse’s perception of his/her patterns and presenting concerns
  3. Learn to make finely tuned diagnoses based on the included research and assessment process