


SKU: WC21-PC016 Category: Tags: ,


016: Life Inside the World of Today’s Teens: Current Issues and Treatments that Work

Amy Feigel, M.A.
Light Professional Christian Counseling Clinic
20564 B, Timberlake Rd.
Lynchburg, VA 24502

Molly-Catherine K. Goodson, M.A., J.D., Esq.
6255 Town Center Dr., Ste. 634
Clemmons, NC 27012

Current evidence and research suggest that many adolescents struggle daily to survive in the ever-changing culture in which we live. With the rise of the digital age, messages influencing body image, identity, and overall self-confidence are flooding the minds of teenagers 24/7. Rape, incest, and sex trafficking are also at an all-time high, in which the majority of victims are young girls. In this session, we will explore how an over-sexualized culture, the digital age (i.e., social media, texting technology, Internet use), and dysfunction in the family and relationships have taken a toll on our teens. We will explore case studies and treatment strategies that are successful in helping adolescents regain their sense of self, resilience, and strength in the face of adversity and evil. Do not miss this opportunity to learn how you can become a “Way Maker” as a mental health professional in the lives of adolescents in your counseling office.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Analyze the latest research on the dynamics and cultural influences today’s adolescents face daily
• Develop effective treatment orientations, clinical behavioral strategies, and scriptural insights that promote self-confidence and secure identity development in adolescents
• Discuss and develop a clinical treatment plan for licensed mental health professionals from actual case studies of adolescents in crisis

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