


SKU: WC21-WK221 Category: Tags: ,


221: Family in Crisis: The Domestic Violence/Anger/Addiction Connection and What to Do About It

Barry Lord, Psy.D.
Southern California Seminary
2075 E. Madison Ave.
El Cajon, CA 92019

Research shows a distinct correlation between domestic violence/anger in the home and the effects of alcohol and illegal drugs in the thinking processes in the brain. Families are often caught in addiction and violence/anger, which destroys homes and leaves generations of families broken. Research also shows that “anger management” alone does not work to end domestic violence. This presentation will discuss how licensed psychologists, social workers, and other helping professionals can intervene and promote understanding of the effects of addiction on higher thinking and problem-solving. Participants will identify the association of domestic violence, anger, and illegal drugs and how to help abusing partners break out of addiction and domestic violence. In addition, participants will become aware of the various ways different states manage domestic violence and illegal drugs.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Consider ways to manage dangerous domestic violent clients
• Review brain functions of addictions in anger prone individuals
• Identify various ways that some states have managed the domestic violence crises in their communities

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