


SKU: WC21-WK312 Category: Tags: ,


312: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Christian Clients in Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Faith-based Approach to Living a Life of Purpose in a Suffering World

Joshua Knabb, Psy.D.
California Baptist University
8432 Magnolia Ave.
Riverside, CA 92504

Based on his two books with Routledge, Faith-Based ACT for Christian Clients: An Integrative Treatment Approach and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Christian Clients: A Faith-Based Workbook, Dr. Knabb will outline a faith-based strategy for working with Christian clients in counseling and psychotherapy by drawing from both the acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) literature and Christian tradition. More specifically, the presenter will combine ACT, an evidence-based psychotherapeutic approach for creating a purposeful, value-driven life amid suffering, and key writings from Christianity, such as the Bible and classic meditative and contemplative sources. Along the way, Dr. Knabb will explore the theory behind traditional ACT, ACT-derived processes, goals, techniques, and faith-based parallels from a variety of trusted Christian sources. Ultimately, by integrating ACT with a Christian worldview, mental health professionals will be better equipped to respond to Christian clients’ unique psychological and spiritual needs in the 21st century.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Discuss the relationship between a Christian worldview, experiential avoidance, and emotional disorders
• Describe six faith-based ACT processes, along with corresponding techniques, for working with Christian clients in counseling and psychotherapy who are suffering from emotional disorders
• Practice a faith-based ACT technique for targeting experiential avoidance among Christian clients for psychologists and licensed mental health professionals in counseling and psychotherapy

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