


SKU: WC21-WK703 Category: Tags: ,


703: Preparing for Intimacy: How Restoration Therapy Facilitates Depth of Insight and Understanding to Produce Lasting Change

Erik D. Salwen, Ph.D.
College Station Christian Counseling
543 William D. Fitch Pkwy. #111
College Station, TX 77845

Restoration therapy is a new approach to assessment, treatment, and healing in individual, marital, and family therapy. It utilizes techniques and theory that help individuals gain a clear insight into their identities and perspectives on relationships and give the therapist a cadre of intervention techniques that move individuals into a responsible change of persistent and long-standing patterns. Coming from a tradition of Contextual Family Therapy, the Restoration approach provides therapists with clarity of assessment of individual and relational issues, yet utilizes sound mindfulness strategies to produce real and long-lasting systemic change. Based on the book, Restoration Therapy: Understanding and Guiding Healing in Marriage and Family Therapy, by Terry D. Hargrave and Franz Pfitzer, and more than 25 years of therapeutic practice, this workshop is designed to give participants background information foundational to the approach and training in the primary therapeutic techniques of Restoration Therapy.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
• Understand and describe Restoration Therapy’s theoretical foundation of love and trustworthiness
• Assess emotional pain from relational violations and describe the emotional process of peace
• Utilize the “Four Steps” in organizing self-regulating change strategies to move from emotional pain to emotional peace

Additional information

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