

Earthquake Praise

Tim Clinton, Ed.D and Max Davis “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” — Philippians 4:4 “Many Christians have made the dramatic discovery of the ancient truth that we are called to praise God in all circumstances, and that miracles are often the result, the biggest of all usually being the melting […]

By DJONES, 10 years ago

Made For Something More

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. and Max Davis   “But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles.” — Isaiah 40:31 “So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that’s what he thought he was.” — Anthony de Mello   A chicken “ain’t no” eagle. Chickens […]

By DJONES, 10 years ago

Just Abide

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. and Max Davis “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” — John 15:5 “Abiding is to be an act of the will and the whole heart. You are the branch.—You need be […]

By DJONES, 10 years ago

Is Emotional Abuse Ever Grounds for Biblical Separation?

Leslie Vernick, M.S.W.   People like to categorize things in black and white, right and wrong, good and bad, and biblical and unbiblical, but I think some things aren’t always so clear. There is no perfect marriage or perfect spouse. All marriages will experience hurt and heartache. But there are marriages that are more than […]

By THE AACC, 11 years ago

5 Truths for True Love in Your Marriage

5 Truths for True Love in Your Marriage By Dr. Tim Clinton & Patrick Springle We all carry relational wounds. So we go through life with a skewed definition of love. Our actions are often a far cry from true love. The truth is, we may be trying to “love” the other in an attempt […]

By DJONES, 12 years ago

Courage to Act

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. and Max Davis   The term courage is derived from the Latin root cor, which literally means heart or core. The original use of the word courage meant to act according to one’s core. Many Christian men know what the Holy Spirit is speaking to them deep in the core of their […]

By DJONES, 13 years ago

Marriage 101: Building from Three Basics

Tim Clinton, Ed.D. A husband and wife were driving down a country road. In the midst of a heated disagreement, everything went totally quiet. As they crested the top of a hill, there was a pasture filled with cows, goats and pigs. The husband looked over at his wife and sarcastically remarked, “Relatives of yours?” […]

By DJONES, 14 years ago