Search Results for: counseling


What Is Christian Reconciliation?

  Mark Crear, Ph.D. “What is Christian reconciliation? Why do we need to be reconciled with God?” Imagine two friends who have a fight or argument. The good relationship they once enjoyed is strained to the point of breaking. They cease speaking to each other; communication is deemed too awkward. The friends gradually become strangers. […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Important Aspects of Trauma Care in a Global Environment

  Jama Davis, Ph.D.     I vividly recall my first trip to Rwanda.  At her request, I joined a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide on the back seat of the bus.  My traveling team was aware of her request to speak with me and allowed us some space and as much quiet as possible […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

What Is Christian Reconciliation?

Mark Crear, Ph.D.   “What is Christian reconciliation? Why do we need to be reconciled with God?” Imagine two friends who have a fight or argument. The good relationship they once enjoyed is strained to the point of breaking. They cease speaking to each other; communication is deemed too awkward. The friends gradually become strangers. […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Light it Up Blue: Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders

Eric Scalise, Ph.D. Stephanie Holmes, M.A.   What do music composers Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven, artists Michelangelo and Vincent van Gogh, physicists Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein, Renaissance polymath Leonardo da Vinci, President Thomas Jefferson, and Microsoft Founder Bill Gates have in common? All are known or suspected of fitting somewhere on […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Depression: What It Is and How To Help

Excerpted with Permission from The Quick Reference Guide to Biblical Counseling by Tim Clinton and Ron Hawkins, pages 73-79   DEPRESSION Finding the way out of the black pit of despair can sometimes be extremely difficult. It is an experience that leaves the individual exhausted, unmotivated, and in deep, hopeless despair.  There seems to be […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Jesus and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Joshua Straub, Ph.D.   “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.   As a parent, I believe racial reconciliation begins in the home. I’m primarily responsible for how my children view, and subsequently treat, others. The process of learning how to treat others begins […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Throwback Thursday: Should I Tell My Child They Are On the Spectrum?

 Stephanie C. Holmes, M.A., BCCC Certified Autism Specialist   Originally posted 4/3/13     One in 50. That’s the newly-released estimate of school-aged children who are on the Autism Spectrum. With World Autism Awareness Day this month, we’re excited to feature Certified Autism Specialist and therapist Stephanie Holmes. If you work with special needs children […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Shrinking the Integrity Gap: 6 Ways to Help the Helpers

Terra A. Mattson, M.A., LPC, LMFT, Living Wholehearted   After a full day of seeing clients, I am left with one of two feelings: incredible hope or incredible sadness. Once in a while you might find me ranting in anger about the hardships of this world or singing God’s praises as I get to witness His […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Created for Covering: How to Restore the Covering

Robert Shaw, D.Min.   Excerpted with permission from Created for Covering: Understanding the Concept of Safety and Covering in Relationships for Men and Women.     God’s design has no flaws.  Adam’s behavior caused an opening in the “hedge”, and sin and evil influence walked right on in to harass relationships and the family.  The […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

How do you Learn About People's Cultures? Start by Becoming Aware of Your Own Culture

Mark Crear, Ph.D.   It may seem odd that in order to learn about people in other cultures, we start by becoming more aware of our own culture. But we believe this is true. Why? If you haven’t had a chance to understand how your culture has affected you first hand, it’s more difficult to […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago