Search Results for: counseling


Breaking Free From Bullies: Helping Kids and Adolescents Be Strong and Be Kind

  Susan Boyd, LMFT   Bullying has become a widespread problem in our world today. As parents, counselors, and people-helpers, it is painful to watch as the children we love experience bullying from their peers. What are some ways to help children and teenagers break free from bullies? This blog series will target different aspects […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Pastoral Burnout: Who’s at Fault… the Pastor or the Church?

Michael MacKenzie, D.Min., and Kari MacKenzie, D.Min. This article was originally published June 2016 as a CounselEd article, a monthly research article that is one of AACC’s presidential level member benefits.  Charles was the senior pastor of a large and growing church. He had been in ministry for 20 years, so he knew the ropes; yet […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

No Moment Like the Present

Margaret Nagib, Psy.D.   An adapted excerpt from the book Souls Like Stars: Renew Your Mind, Heal Your Heart, Unveil Your Shine by Margaret Nagib, Psy.D.     Being fully present in the moment allows us to experience the life-giving presence of God. For many of us, being fully present in the moment is difficult, […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Effective Recovery Strategies from Toxins That Impact Mental Health

  Linda Harriss, RN, LPC     As a child in the 60’s, part of my memories of summer fun includes the fogging trucks that slowly drove through our neighborhoods in an attempt to kill mosquitoes. My siblings, friends, and I would follow along behind the trucks as they spewed DDT and other toxic chemicals […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Created for Covering: Covering vs. Controlling

Robert Shaw, D.Min.   Excerpted with permission from Created for Covering: Understanding the Concept of Safety and Covering in Relationships for Men and Women.     Over the years, I have had several men come to me saying what amounts to this: “My wife has been asking me to lead the family and take care […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

A Teaching Tool: a Nine-Step Framework for Helping Your Clients Live Their Best Lives    

Mary M. Simms, Ph.D. Author of Move Past Your Pain, Discover Your Purpose: Overcoming Negative Generational Patterns to Achieve Your Best Life     Do you ever wish that you had an app to help your clients get their lives back on track? Unfortunately such a device doesn’t exist—and if it did, your clients wouldn’t […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

The 12 Step Program: An Invitation to the Church

Barbara L. Gilliam, D. Min.     “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.” – 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 “We […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Created for Covering: Responsibility

Robert Shaw, D.Min.   Excerpted with permission from Created for Covering: Understanding the Concept of Safety and Covering in Relationships for Men and Women.     As Adam’s covering, God was responsible to instruct him in the way he was to go, and then provide him with what was needed to get there.  The Scriptures […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

It Takes a Church

T.J. Gentry, D.Min.   “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”  – Galatians 6:2 “What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear […]

By DJONES, 8 years ago

Stepping Stones of Loss, Grief, and Growth in Stepfamilies

Janet Nicholas, LPC LCDC EAP Stepfamilies are created because of a loss.  Death, divorce, or the ending of a relationship happens before a new marriage begins.  Step-couples have many hopes and dreams for a second chance and are not anticipating the loss and grief dynamics that inevitably surface during stepfamily formation.   The juxtaposition of the […]

By THE AACC, 8 years ago