Search Results for: counseling


The Power of Emotion

When I attended children’s church as a child we were asked to memorize a verse and recite it each week.  Needless to say, I often found myself in the predicament of not having memorized my verse for the week so like many other kids. I frequently relied on what is known as the shortest verse […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Because Those Who Are Suffering Need Us To Notice

Rachel’s face was weary, her distracted glance seemed lost somewhere in the distance. She spoke of her life in fragments and whispers.  Her story was both tragic and impossible.  My heart wept for the child who endured such abuse, such profound neglect and who woke up years later with a lifetime of losses and a […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago

Multicultural Division

AACC Multicultural Division About The Multicultural Division exists to promote greater awareness and understanding of multiculturalism and the impact of cultural and ethnic differences on the counseling process, the counseling profession and other helping professions. The MCD mission is to provide culturally competent leadership, research, training and development for multicultural Christian counseling professionals, focusing on spiritual, […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Grief, Crisis and Trauma Network

AACC Divisional Membership (AACC membership required) For those service in all helping fields related to grief counseling, crisis response, and disaster services through training, certification, networking, and collaboration. Includes a one-year subscription to the quarterly Grief, Crisis & Trauma eNewsletter, quarterly MP3, and savings on GCDN resources and services. The Grief, Crisis and Trauma Network exists […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Reproductive Health and Sexual Trauma Network

AACC Divisional Membership (AACC membership required) Reproductive Health and Sexual Trauma Network  Reproductive Health and Sexual Trauma Network is designed to equip and train counselors and caregivers to offer healing and forgiveness to those suffering from wounds caused by abortion and sexual trauma. The Reproductive Health and Sexual Trauma Network exists to engage Christian counselors, […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Addiction and Recovery Network

AACC Divisional Membership (AACC membership required) Addiction and Recovery Network  The Addiction and Recovery Network is designed for mental health practitioners, as well as pastors, ministry leaders and lay caregivers who desire to better understand and help those struggling with psychological and behavioral addiction and the recovery process.  Division Leader: Karl Benzio, M.D.  Member Benefits Include:  […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Marriage and Family Network

AACC Divisional Membership (AACC membership required) Marriage and Family Network  The Marriage and Family Network is designed for anyone interested in marriage & family therapy, education, ministry, mentoring, and public policy.  Division Leader: Dan Seaborn, M.A.  Member Benefits Include:  Quarterly eNewsletters featuring articles from Christian counseling experts   Monthly MP3 training with a specialist in the […]

By THE AACC, 7 years ago

Our Vision

  The vision of AACC has two critical dimensions. First, we want to serve the worldwide Christian church by helping it become more mature in Christ, while taking on His heart of love and sacrificial care. Secondly, we want to be serving, educating, and equipping 80,000 professional clinicians, pastoral counselors, and lay helpers in the […]

By JEVAN FLEENOR, 7 years ago

Our History

  Attending to the needs and issues of hurting people today is complex, and at times , overwhelming. As today’s generations search for purpose, meaning and value, many are experiencing a pervasive sense of emptiness and loneliness. And why shouldn’t they? In a world flooded with distresses like divorce, father absence, rampant sexual abuse, terrorism, […]

By JEVAN FLEENOR, 7 years ago

Important Aspects of Trauma Care in a Global Environment

Jama Davis, Ph.D. I vividly recall my first trip to Rwanda.  At her request, I joined a survivor of the Rwandan Genocide on the back seat of the bus.  My traveling team was aware of her request to speak with me and allowed us some space and as much quiet as possible as we rode […]

By DJONES, 7 years ago